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Seeing Allred my festival fave

Without a doubt, my favourite film at the festival this year was Seeing Allred, a fast-paced doc about U.S. women’s rights attorney Gloria Allred. This film, in the U.S. Documentary Competition at Sundance 2018, packs a powerful emotional punch as it tracks the firebrand from her university years to the present. This film left me moved to tears -- and infuriated at the same time. How could we still be fighting these same battles so many decades later?

Here, in alphabetical order, are other films I saw and can recommend from this year’s crop:

* Anote’s Ark

* The Devil We Know

* The Game Changers

* The Puzzle

* The Sentence

* The Tale

* This is Home

Alex Pollini photo/Courtesy Sundance Institute

A still from the U.S. documentary Seeing Allred, by directors Roberta Grossman and Sophie Sartrain, at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival.


© 2024 Peter Howell 

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