Hot damn! Hot Docs is only a week away!
My favourite film festival of the year, Hot Docs, is nearly here: The much anticipated 2017 edition runs from April 27 to May 7 and takes place at the Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema located at 506 Bloor St. W. in Toronto. Regular tickets are only $17 (premium tickets $22 to $24) and there are a variety of passes for purchase available.
Did you know seniors (60+) and students with valid ID can see films that screen before 5 p.m. for free? That's a reel deal.
I will be concentrating on seeing films pertaining to all matters environmental. Here are a few that are on my list to see:
* The Last Animals
* Let There Be Light
* A Moon of Nickel and Ice
* The Quiet Zone
*Thank You for the Rain
*A River Below
* This Cold Life
*What Lies Upstream
* Rat Film
I've already had the pleasure -- and heartache -- of seeing Chasing Coral in January at Sundance 2017, where it caused a sensation. It is a shocking and stunning film that everyone should see.
The Canadian film A Moon of Nickel and Ice, by director Francois Jacob, is on my must-see list for Hot Docs.